Well, my friends the summer days have come and gone; now we are dancing with the leaves and wind as we walk down the street. As you know I worked at camp as a counselor, which I enjoyed very much. It was hard and tyring, but seeing kids understand something about God for the first time made all the late night and early mornings totally worth it. I could go on and on about camp, but I'll move on.
After camp came a family vacation to the coast. The first "just my family" vacation in six years. We made a sand castle and two dragons; I'll have to put up some pictures. We also got to go to the "Edge of the World" and "Elephant Rock". Something like 40 hours after getting back from the cost I left at a hour unknown to mankind to go to the airport to fly to Boston, by my self. Where I joined up with Tuesday's Child, where, after we saw the homes of lots of famous people, and the lantern Paul Revere used (you know the whole "one if by land two if by sea" thing) we headed to Prince Edward Island!
It was a lovely time wandering the countryside; two artistic souls being fed by the beauty of Anne's Island.
Now, my dear friends, I am back safe and sound at home. I just finished my first day volunteering at private school that one of my friends from camp teaches at. In the first class I helped some 5th grade boys with math, ugh. I mean, math has never been one of my strong subjects. Then I went to help a bunch of 3rd and 5th graders (all two 4th graders were absent) with spelling, another weak point for me. I also got to supervise recess, and play with play-dough, which is something I am much better at.
That my friend brings you somewhat up to date on my life. If you want to know more we can go out for hot chocolate.