This evening as we gathered to sing a friend from Zambia along with her mother sang a special song. They sang it in their people's tongue. The song was Come tho Fount (a fav) but it sounded different (very different). I've sung with this friend before but her singing hadn't stuck out to me like it did tonight, tonight I could hear so many levels of joy and love.
It reminded me of when we actually truly do, love, act, speak the way we (me or you) are meant too (not a bunch of well behaved clones but a bunch of people who are responding to this crazy love of God's) . How when someone is truly alive (jn10:10) it is like going from black and white to technicolor.... black n white is fine... but Toto we're not suppose to be in Kansas anymore.
Why do we try so very hard to be like others... we end up like nobody... but what is worse nobody is us... the real us that is meant to be LIVED.