Up to this point I hadn't cried, the tears hadn't found their way to my eyes.
I brushed past people and climbed over the pew. The closing hymn was being sung, but I couldn't wait. I had to get away. I had to cry.
Out the back door I found a field, some trees and sun. I leaned against the wooden church. There in that sunshine silence I cried aloud. I ached to be comforted. I morned the loss of arms that I could never hold again. I wept knowing one day I would hold them, and that this death was the beagianing of new type of goodbyes. I cried again. A women of such love was gone leaving behind a family of tears, missing the one they loved but glad she's healed. I cried feeling the familes pain. I cried because pain had ended.
I stood there. The breeze ran his fingers through my hair. The sun warmed my shaking body. The fresh warm Spring air filled my tight lungs, then, then I heard the birds. Their song reached my ears. A simple morning song. Listening, simply listening, I let them speak, speak of his love, of his faithfulness.
The wind, the sun, the air and the birds wrapped me up in the Father's arms. I simply was in him. She is in him.