Monday, June 06, 2005

This is for all your This Doesn't Have To Do With Anything comments.

Use it well.


Meiska said...

I love you!

Anonymous said...

What's the name of the cloud you live on? Just wondering. Curious.

Anna E. P. said...

Ah! The name of the cloud. It is named hope!

Queen Mum said...

I love you and I am praying for you while you are at camp. I miss thee so......

Queen Mum said...

Welcome Home! A LOT of things have changed for us and we have more time for blogging and just life in general. It is wonderful to be able to breathe, live and enjoy life, family and friends more. Put up a new post girly, we want to know what is going on in your life. Also, PLEASE let us know how the Lord worked over the summer. Love you (and your cloud).

Katie said...

Hello! Look I'm using your all purpose post.

I still want to hear all about your trip. I didn't get a chance to hear enough about it on Sunday. Have a good Christmas! Tell everyone I say hi...

Katie said...

You want to come to Women's Retreat. You want to come to Women's Retreat....

Did my special jedi mind trick work? Are you coming? ;-)

Anna E. P. said...

Yes I am coming. I signed up yesterday.