Wednesday, November 15, 2006

From the West Stairwell

[The following is a true story. The names have not been changed. No one is ashamed, so why should they hide behind a mask?]

The voices - I hear them.

A group a ladies are touring the building. Just now they went up the staircase and entered the fourth floor. They did not see me. I don't know if they are going into the apartment, so I am hiding on the landing that you come to before getting to the roof. I had to tell someone; I can hear them now, talking. The stairwell smells like grandma perfume. I have wheat thins and my favorite fairy tale book. I could stay here for a while.

Ahh. They leaving the fourth floor; now I just have to wait for the stragglers, then I can go back in to the apartment.

It's not that I don't enjoy people; I just enjoy hiding from them so much more...


Meiska said...

Hiding is so fun! That's why Hide-and -seek is my favorite game!

We are out at the property now, and Gbae and i just got finished hiding from Luke, now that's fun.

Miss you, dear!

Breaking Culture said...

Hiding is very enjoyable, and thrilling! It's like a sweet M. Night Shymalan(I hope I spelled that correctly) thriller waiting to catch you when you least expect it. Oh, the excitement!!!!

Breaking Culture said...

I miss you too. Sorry, I forgot to write that.

Anonymous said...


Are you still hiding?