Sunday, February 24, 2008


This evening the high school lead the evening serves. In the back there were unlit candles. They invited us (if we wanted to) to go in the back and pray, and just light a candle, we all know the prayers can get to God without a candle, but there is something beautiful about the glow.

Anyway... the glow reminded me of the All Saints Day. Growing up in a primarily Catholic country every All Saints Day the sky was aglow with candles on graves, placed there by their loved ones.

As the memory of the glowing skies came back, I thought how beautiful if we (the Church) shone like those candles on that cold November night.


Katie said...

I love that thought! Candles are just candles, but they do help us see things esthetically which is important to me.

Anonymous said...

That was quite makes me want to see that candlelit sky.

PS I'm excited to see you and Nubby this weekend!