Saturday, August 30, 2008


End of summer.
Change in the wind, can you hear it?
Music, beautiful music with beautiful people.
Cookies are out of the oven.
Going to a party, wearing pearls.
Robert played excellently last night,
I couldn't be prouder of the man he's growing to be.
Friends lives are changing also.
God feels deeply, I'm not alone.
Autumn will come with her splendour.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

for Zeppo

Dum vivimus, vivamus. Let us live while we're living.

There you go.

Yeah for road trips!

Childhood. Maybe playing in the yard. Eating bugs. Eating dirt. Climbing trees. Falling from trees. Playing "Pretend". Learning to read. Reading and forgetting yourself. Skinned knees.

These are some things I think of when I think childhood. Also road trips. I think I have just as many memories of road trips as living at home (maybe a closes second) anyway they are fun and have a near and dear place in my heart.

We just went to Yellowstone, it was fun and very educational. Here are a few things we learned;

If you camp (tent) with RVs you get the showers to yourself.
Sagebrush taste VERY strong, a little goes a long way.
Yellowstone sits inside a volcano (comforting).
The stink pots ohh I mean paint pots still stink.
Smoky Bear was real.
You can get a car tan (half of my face is tanner then the other).

So you can see we learned a lot. It was a good trip. We saw moose!!!

Hope you all had a good summer too.

P.S. the sun was really bright.