Childhood. Maybe playing in the yard. Eating bugs. Eating dirt. Climbing trees. Falling from trees. Playing "Pretend". Learning to read. Reading and forgetting yourself. Skinned knees.
These are some things I think of when I think childhood. Also road trips. I think I have just as many memories of road trips as living at home (maybe a closes second) anyway they are fun and have a near and dear place in my heart.
We just went to Yellowstone, it was fun and very educational. Here are a few things we learned;
If you camp (tent) with RVs you get the showers to yourself.
Sagebrush taste VERY strong, a little goes a long way.
Yellowstone sits inside a volcano (comforting).
The stink pots ohh I mean paint pots still stink.
Smoky Bear was real.
You can get a car tan (half of my face is tanner then the other).
So you can see we learned a lot. It was a good trip. We saw moose!!!
Hope you all had a good summer too.
You ate sagebrush? Hm...I wonder if it tasted like my Grammie's Thanksgiving Turkey Dressing which had so much sage in it it was actually green. Scary.
I want to go.
Sounds like you had a fun time. I am glad you got to get out and have a little break from the patterns of our every day life. Love the photos! Great landscapes, and the lighting on the buffalo is amazing! Out standing!
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