Monday, April 06, 2009

For Abigail

(how I would write it)

First gently, then with a windy rush she dances over the hills.
Towards you, with arms open wide she runs.

She wraps you in colorful garb
jeweled with crocuses
and daffy down dillies .
With golden sun she strokes your hair.
Sets your heart free with the song of the soaring bird.

Here on this day she comes baring gifts of beauty, joy, life, color,
and sound of the earth wakening

All here
to celebrate
your birthday.

1 comment:

stormi esperanza said...

oooh. very nice. any way you write it. as i first read it i thought you were describing me and i was, like, "oh, how neat and sweet!" and then i realized you weren't. are you the one coming to celebrate my birthday? b/c you are a cutie! (but i think you meant soaring and not souring...quite the different meaning!)