Dear Elders,
This is a follow up note of when we last officially spoke in the Spring.
Randy and I talked with you about testing and changing curriculum for Sunday mornings and the challenges we foresaw.
Well for starters most of the teachers really did like the new curriculum(Tru) even the few that had objections their objections pointed out the good traits of Tru (they felt it was too evangelism centered). We tried Tru for the month of May (and have continued through the Summer), the teachers liked it, but it was clear training would have to happen to be able to use the teacher's and the curriculum's full potential. This Fall is going to be time of a lot of training and empowering teachers.
As for the families, the only feedback I've heard is positive. Kids understanding the stories and being challenged about a day to day relationship with God. Two words I hear a lot from teachers and parents are "Grasp" and "Understand".
One mom talked about how for her daughter her relationship with God was no longer abstract but rather he is a apart of this world she lives in and will she join in on His

Something that deserves a whole paragraph of it's own is: Blessings. It's how we end class each Sunday. Blessings in general is something that has been slowing taking over all of Montavilla in a beautiful way, and now it's picking up speed with the kids. When the class

Attached are two letters that parents sent during the summer that I thought you might enjoy.
Thanks again for your support. The Spring was harder then Randy and I had reckoned for. But without fail each Sunday that I was full of doubt and discouragement, you fine men (or a wife of yours:) gave me a hug and reassured me of your love, your support and of God's calling in my life and God's love for His bride. Thank you.
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