North and &five are the names of my two goldfish. They live in a bowl on my bedside table and I read aloud to them in the evenings. Currently we are reading "Brother Wolf, Sister Sparrow" Stories about Saints and Animals (it seemed fitting:) North is orange on top with a white belly, &five is a shiny brown. Besides goldfish being some of the best pets, because they don't smell and don't get their hair on you sweaters, they are also great because they have been teaching me more about God.
For exsample:
The goldfish ultimately depend on me for food. They find food on the bottom of their bowl but after I've put it there. Just like we eat food, but after God has grown and provided it.
They live in a bowl, I live in time. The bowl is all they know, time is all I know. I can see into (even put my hand in bowl) but am outside of it, God can see into time, can be apart of it, but is also outside of it.
Kinda tripy what all a 5 cent fish can teach you.
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