Tuesday, October 25, 2005

How to make one's thoughts clear

Just to let the keys flow. Do you know ( or maybe you are ) one of those people who have all their thoughts thought out before they say something. Honestly I wish I was one of them but often I'm not sure of what I think or feel before I start putting it into words, and sometimes I feel like the thoughts are inexpressible that words are just not sufficient. Maybe this is when people turn to the arts to show, or say what they feel.


Katie said...

Unfortunately I know exactly what you are talking about. I say most things before I've had the chance to think them through. I think verbally, so usually what you hear coming from me is all my random trains of thought, and then at the end I might come to a conclusion. It really frustrates introverts...

But the arts (music, writing, drawing etc...) can definitely express more than we can on our own at times. The feeling can be conveyed so deeply in art, and mere words just don't do justice.

Meiska said...
