Monday, October 29, 2007

"It is wise to learn; it is God like to create." -John Saxe

WARNING: the following is merely me processing thoughts that have been building up during the last year or so, no conclusion will be reached.

My dear friend Sarah wrote the quote by John Saxe in a letter she sent me the other day, I've been thinking about it, a lot.

The other day my brother was telling me a story about one day when he was a child he was telling an adult about something he had recently learned, the adult told my brother he was one step closer to being like God (because God is all knowing), my brother said what was said had always bothered him.

Today I was reading one of Emerson's essays, it was about beauty (sadly I had to leave before finishing it, but I fully intend to finish it on Wednesday) He talked of how science had killed beauty, how if you showed him a bird to him and took it apart to show him its structure all he would see is a dead bird. He said not until you could tell him what the birds were saying would he believe you were an expert on birds. Then he went on to talk of beauty, he did not attempt to define beauty, but to show beauty by talking of what all see as beautiful.

Today in class we talked about rules of art, and how first you have to prove you can follow the rules before you are allowed to break them.

On the bus ride home I told my professor of me disgust for flannel-graphs, the feeling was mutual.

On the walk home I thought of children's love, delight for life, and when does that delight die?

I thought of how what God made is perfect (far superior to flannel-graphs) couldn't we use to world to show God.

I thought about how I shouldn't use say 'teach God' but rather 'show God'. God teaches you things, but you must know him to learn.


Anonymous said...

I really like the Emerson part.

Anonymous said...

I am too...we forgot to listen to the song last weekend.

Anonymous said...

Let's do.

Jo said...

I really enjoy you're thoughts... sets me to thinking.
- Jo

Katie said...

God creates and God knows all. I think when we attempt to create and learn in our own limited form, it does truly express that we were created in His image. We will want to learn, explore and create because He instilled that in us.

I do think we could search and research and disect and pick apart this beautiful world we've been given and still never see God. He is infinite, and we will never find the end of creation. There will always be another layer to explore. I think that's what some scientists find so fascinating and enthralling. It can almost be like a game and adventure God has set before us to pick our way through.

But seeing the world as it is, alive and beautiful, yet still remembering that it's not as it was meant to be because of our sin. I am astounded to think how beautiful and amazing the redeemed and restored earth will be. I look so forward to that day.