One thing that became clear is that I

This past week at the summit there was an art table, to help us express what God had impressed upon our hearts. On Monday a picture came to mind as a way to describe what we were feeling. When I shared this mental image with a lady she asked if I was artistically talented at all. Honestly with a quiet "Yes" I answered. She pointed to the art table and asked me to try and show us what I saw. There at that moment I wanted to break down in tears and say no, ask me to do anything else but not drawing. I was slightly terrified.
I imagined no one could see me, picked up some charcoal and started. After that first picture was done it took all the guts I could muster to set it down on the sharing table.
It wasn't until I was finishing up drawing number 4 that I realized I was doing it again, I was creating. After wandering in the desert at last I could smell the cool air of the forest and hear the song bird's melody.
Dear God,
You create. You created me. You made me in your image. I'm sorry I hid from You, that I let the fear rule what I would do, even how I thought. Please take these hands back. Please fill my mind with dreams again.
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