I believe it was Providential that I wrote down the wrong passages, definitely wrote 4,5 & 6. Off I went to read and was stopped at 2nd Corinthians 4:8-12 eph on 10-12
We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. 12 So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.
So many of us know the death in our lives. We carry death in our own bodies, our muscles and joints are in pain, we have emotional scares on, are pressed beyond what we thought we could handle. We get overwhelmed and stop in our tracks, death was never meant to be.
It speaks of the life of Jesus that is in those who have given up saving themselves and lean on him, Jesus. It confirms the suspicion that we are dying but also reminds us that Jesus life is showing through us, in us.
Life is already there.
When we regrouped to continue praying none of the prayers (remember listening) were simalur to what I had been given. They prayed about being clay pots that God's glory shinned through, but how hard it is being clay.
I waited.
I shared with one of the leaders. She didn't correct my reading or interpretation; instead, prayed for clarity, and stewardship.
I waited. (thought: how could I show whats on my heart?)

They prayed about glory and a veil. Still there was a longing of life that seemed unobtainable.
I waited. (started work on a leaf, one side is dead the other is very much alive. The death shows off the life. The leaf took a while to think of and fashion, all the while I longed for the women to know they already have the life, the life of Jesus, that they are longing for)
Then we sat down. There was a chair in the middle for someone to sit in who wanted prayer. They explaind the prayers were going to be different then those in past years, this was a chair of life, for those seeking life in the dark areas. Those who wanted anointing. For those who wanted to set aside the satcloth and ashes and be robed in God's glory.
The leaf was set aside, they had arrived.
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