Monday, September 23, 2013


A speech for my cousin's wedding. She is like a sister.

Amanda was born on my 6 1/2 month birthday. We spent her first Christmas at her baptism. And then every family holiday after that we were inseparable, under tables, on walks, chatting in the kitchen, always together, talking over life, sharing stories, hiding from our brothers.

When we were in grade school, my parents took their kids on a Jesus loving Volkswagen powered adventure across Europe.

Amanda faithfully wrote to me. I have letters and drawings and Popsicle art from her. You may have recently learned of Amanda's artistic side but I have proof it was blossoming decades ago.

Amanda's faithfulness to letters is a just a word picture for you of the faithful friend she is to so many.  Amanda always continues being someone's friend no matter where they are. It doesn't matter if they're roommates, neighbors, colleagues or live a few countries away, Amanda keeps the friendship alive.

If they are doing well, can laugh at life or really can only cry it doesn't matter. Amanda loves them with all her love. Truly with the passion Jesus has given her. Nothing stops her from being your well caring friend.

Amanda, the 11 of us on the stage today have each been poured into and blessed by you. Thank you!

I am so very happy for you and Randy and wish you the very best.
To the bride and groom :)

"...and part of a promise..."

 (This is a part of a larger thought, it may be more clear if you start with "... a girl...")
So just like any human lots of doubt can float through my brain.  "What did that really mean?" "What could really happen?" "Am I the one for the task?... probably not"

If you remember back to the fantastic pray summits I've been to... there have been some pretty cool, nope mind blowing prayers prayed over me.

Part of the prayer is that my generation will come to God. Seek God as their God. That I get to be apart of this title wave.

Life and lies set in and I thought there's no way I can live out those prayers, they are a dream that is simply fading away.

Then some light and clarity got into my foggy brain.

What if I believed it was possible? What if I believed that through me God could do whatever crazy thing he wanted? What if I lived my life in a way that I expected them to come true instead of wondering?

As I see it I have two choices; I can either spend every day choosing to forget, or choosing to believe.   

Monday, September 16, 2013

"... a sister..."

 (This is a part of a larger thought, it may be more clear if you start with "... a girl...")

sister |ˈsistər|
1 a woman or girl in relation to other daughters and sons of her parents.
• a sister-in-law.
• a close female friend or associate, esp. a female fellow member of a labor union or other organization.
• (often Sister) a member of a religious order or congregation of women.

A couple years ago our church did a serious called "Blue and Pink Elephant- a look at sexuality". Part way through the series I told one of my brothers (Andrew) that I wanted to have a husband so I could put into practice 'being a godly woman & making a guy feel like a man' to with Andrew wisely answered: "Well you already have 3 brothers and a dad, you could start with them." ... yep.

We aren't supposes to just live past anyone in this life, act like their not there or we have nothing to say. Instead we have the opportunity to breath life into people... and who do we have the most opportunity with? Those we live with. We expect teachers and pastors to be lifegivers, what if brothers and sisters were too?