(This is a part of a larger thought, it may be more clear if you start with "... a girl...")
So just like any human lots of doubt can float through my brain. "What did that really mean?" "What could really happen?" "Am I the one for the task?... probably not"
If you remember back to the fantastic pray summits I've been to... there have been some pretty cool, nope mind blowing prayers prayed over me.
Part of the prayer is that my generation will come to God. Seek God as their God. That I get to be apart of this title wave.
Life and lies set in and I thought there's no way I can live out those prayers, they are a dream that is simply fading away.
Then some light and clarity got into my foggy brain.
What if I believed it was possible? What if I believed that through me God could do whatever crazy thing he wanted? What if I lived my life in a way that I expected them to come true instead of wondering?
As I see it I have two choices; I can either spend every day choosing to forget, or choosing to believe.
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