Tuesday, April 24, 2007

flirt |flərt| verb 1 [ intrans. ] behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions :

I have been thinking about this word a lot lately. Some questions have been wondering though my head. Such as;

#1 What is flirting?

#2 Is it ever acceptable or appropriate to flirt?

#3 Do I flirt?

To answer the first of these questions, I have asked a few different people, of a variety of ages and back rounds, what they perceive flirting to be, the common theme is; "trying to get attention from someone (or someone's) from the opposite gender".

The second question is the one that baffles me. I have always thought flirting was people being too immature to have a decent (as in quality) conversation together. But I have some dear friends who think it's okay to flirt.

Question three. In all honesty I would have to say I have flirted, but I am not proud of those points in my life. When I am with my friends having a good time, sometimes I get the idea; "Oh if I say this and that, he'll see me, and think I am so funny." Sometimes I do it sometimes I don't.

To sum up it all up. I would say flirting is when "just having fun", crosses over into "trying to get attention". I can say from personal experiences that flirting can end in a confused and hurt heart. So I would rather not repeat what I see as my mistakes of the past, for what I might see as harmless fun at the present.

1 comment:

Katie said...

What a question... Well let me start with the fact that personally I can't flirt. I just can't. I get really really nervous around guys who's attention I want. So therefore I avoid all attention seeking that means me directly talking to said object of my attention. Which may explain why I haven't been on a date in ages. So I don't know if I'm totally an unbiased source.

Flirting... Yes some people think its harmless fun. I believe if its done when you are truly interested in someone, its legitmate. If you are just doing it for fun, it feels exciting but really its emotional fraud, either for you or the one you are flirting with. You can definitely end up leading someone on, and if you have no intentions of backing it up its just plain mean. It definitely can lead to hurt and confusion. Believe me I know.

But we can't say its not okay to flirt ever... I think in some ways you have to do it, to ever end up in a relationship (hence my singleness). And truly if you are flirting with someone you are interested in and vice versa its fun and sweet.

So don't throw the baby out with the bath water... Flirt, but use your discretion, don't fool yourself or them and just have integrity. Do it if you mean it. :-)