Tuesday, April 24, 2007


The days were now turning warm. Ella spent most of her time outside where she could feel the cool that came off the sea. Her flowers were so beautiful! I think why they were so pretty was she would sing to them, though she was not a great singer, but she enjoyed singing softly while tending to the cottage duties and the flower beds. She would also tell stories to her flowers. Draw your own conclusions but I think any living thing would grow better if it was feed music and stories.

One afternoon Evan finished early, as he walked up the stone steps he heard, through the open door, Ella singing. He stood in the doorway for a minute just to watch her. She did not know he was there for she was not facing him. Evan saw the spring days had added much color and life into her face. He saw she was dreaming of something, and admiring her own hand. Ella was looking at it like a girl will, first tilting it one way then the next. Evan then saw what it was. Upon her finger was the ring. Evan went in and grabbed her hand "How could you, Ella?" he asked as he took the ring off her hand. "What if you had lost it? What would happen then? How could you do such a thing?" Ella turned to face him seeing tears well up in her eyes and realizing how harsh his words had been, he apologized for loosing his temper, but would she promise not to wear the ring ever again? Ella forgave him and promised never to wear it again. When Even turned to put the ring back on the mantel, she added in a whisper "Not until you ask me to."


AaronCooper said...

I have been waiting for the next part of the story for SO long. I have beening checking your bog everyday since i read the last one to see if you had posted it yet. And once again i loved it and i am excited to read the rest. Are you going to the weekend group this weekend? And what are the dates of Meiska's arrival? God Bless Beautiful Midsy!


Anonymous said...

OOooooooooo the plot thickens!!!! Simple and so very beautiful.

About the show...after it comes out on DVD I'll get it and have an Earth party!