Thursday, October 25, 2007

George MacDonald -love-

Last night I finshed the book Phantastes below is from the last few pages.

"I knew now,that it is by loving, and not being loved, that one can come nearest the soul of another, yea, that,where two love, it is in the loving of each other, and not the being the beloved by each other, that originates and perfects and assures their blessedness. I knew that love gives to him that loveth, power over any soul beloved, even if that soul knows him not, bringing him inwardly close to that spirit; a power that can not be but for good; for in proportion as selfishness intrudes, the loves ceases, and the power that springs therefrom dies. Yet all love will, one day, behold its own image in the eyes of the beloved, and be humbly glad."

George MacDonald -Phantastes-

1 comment:

Jo said...

George Macdonald sure does know how to make a girl cry! I will try and find the book and read it for myself... thank you for sharing. You've a beautiful blog by the way!
- Jo