As a child I knew one day I wanted to get married. I had many outlandish notions that seemed very romantic, the main one being that he would die fighting in the Civil War and I would have to give birth to our child alone. Then my dead husband's best friend would marry me and help raise the child as part of an oath the two of them made on the battle field. Great right? Except for the whole my husband dying and the Civil War ending 147 years ago. Thankfully we don't always get what we wish for.

(I am by no means discouraging young marriage, just telling my story)
All of the college years I would have told you one day I would marry and join my husband in his calling. this means dropping mine, it at the most taking 2nd place. This idea seems to show a lack of understanding the importance of what God had asked me to do and also displaying a faulty view of partnership.
God has placed a call on my life, I am just at the beginning of dreams with God. These are big dreams. I've become aware of the fact that whomever I marry will have to help me nurture these dreams and encourage me forward when I'm tired and don't want to keep going.
Last year a prayer of my heart was verbalized by a friend when she prayed that God would be preparing my husband to come alongside me in my calling.
alongside |əˈlô ng ˈsīd; əˈlä ng-|
preposition (also alongside of)
close to the side of; next to : she was sitting alongside him | [as adv. ] the boat came alongside.
• together and in cooperation with
• at the same time as or in coexistence with
God and I have had many conversations on marriage and matters of the heart and there is a very sweet story he has taken me on that I am waiting for him to completely unfold, but what he's taken me on thus far has taught me to wait for what is yet to come.
p.s. Also chose to use the word Woman because, I don't believe one has to be married to be a women but rather that being a woman is being wholly who girls were created to be... see "... a woman..."
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